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Container workloads

1 - Docker Container Use Continues to Pick Up SpeedDocker Container Use Continues to Pick Up Speed

Solution providers should take note of the increased use of containers and the rise of microservices that promise to change the way apps are integrated.

2 - Use of Docker Containers in ProductionUse of Docker Containers in Production

58% of respondents report using Docker containers in production applications. A full 90% are using Docker containers for app development.

3 - Primary Reasons for Using DockerPrimary Reasons for Using Docker

IT pros polled said they use Docker to advance app development agility (65%), control app environments (48%) and attain app portability (41%).

4 - Docker Workload TypesDocker Workload Types

Topping the list of primary Docker workloads are front-end Web apps (78%), API/Web services (76%) and application servers (70%).

5 - Rise of PersistenceRise of Persistence

42% say they are running a traditional database on Docker containers, while 27% say they are running a distributed database.

6 - Docker Benefits: App DevelopmentDocker Benefits: App Development

93% report seeing some benefit to app development; 45% say they are able to release apps faster. On average, survey respondents are reporting a 13X increase in frequency of software releases.

7 - Docker Benefits: IT OperationsDocker Benefits: IT Operations

85% report seeing some benefit to IT operations, with 57% citing improvements to operational management.

8 - Docker in the CloudDocker in the Cloud

80% say Docker containers are part of their cloud strategy, 60% plan to use Docker to migrate cloud workloads, and more than 35% see Docker as a way to avoid being locked into a cloud vendor.

9 - Preferred Container Orchestration PlatformPreferred Container Orchestration Platform

34% cite Docker Swam as their preferred orchestration platform, followed closely by Kubernetes, at 32%, and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, or EC2, at 29%.

10 - The Emergence of MicroservicesThe Emergence of Microservices

44% are adopting microservices to facilitate app integration. A full 78% plan to use Docker to build microservices.

11 - The Fate of Legacy AppsThe Fate of Legacy Apps

78% plan to use Docker to “containerize” existing legacy apps; 39% have committed to modernizing those apps.

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