Mobile Devices

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  • Mobile Ransomware Threat Continues to Climb

    Ransomware Mobile Ransomware Threat Continues to Climb Quick Heal Technologies found that a large leap in ransomware detection, at 200 percent, occurred in the second quarter of 2016 compared with the first quarter. Mobile Ransomware Spike Mobile ransomware detection increased 200% in Q2 2016, which amounts to nearly 50% of all ransomware detected in 2015.…

  • Samsung, Tech Data Team Up on Mobile Initiative

    As part of a major push to extend the reach of its mobile computing franchise, Samsung has forged a partnered with Tech Data to sell unlocked mobile computing devices via the channel. The goal is to make it easier for solution providers to create mobile computing solutions that are not tightly coupled to wireless communications…

  • Apple Systems, Devices Reach the Enterprise Core

    Apple in the enterprise Apple Systems, Devices Reach the Enterprise Core Resistance to Apple in the enterprise is futile, research shows. The need to support Windows alongside Apple creates challenges and opportunities for MSPs. Rise of Apple in the Enterprise A full 75% of employees choose Mac over Windows, confirming reports that Apple adoption is…

  • Custom Mobile App Promise Remains Elusive

    Given the demand for mobile computing applications, a massive number of custom mobile apps should, in theory, be in place for providers of IT services to manage. In reality, however, it’s proving difficult for businesses to build these apps. In fact, recent research suggests it takes an IT organization six months to a year to…

  • What Are the Costs of Mobile Computing?

    Mobile costs Assessing the True Costs of Mobile Computing The total cost of mobile computing is more than 100 percent higher than most IT professionals anticipate because it includes many often-forgotten factors. Type of Mobile Computing Devices in Use Apple iOS devices are the most widely used, at 39%, followed by Android (28%) and Windows…

  • The Rise of the Mobile Enterprise Is Upon Us

    Mobile enterprise The Rise of the Mobile Enterprise Is Upon Us Organizations are embracing mobile enterprise strategies that take into account the impact mobile apps will have on transforming how the business operates. Making the Mobile Enterprise Shift 73% of the respondents said their companies are planning to mobilize their entire organizations. A full 84%…

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