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What’s hot in enterprise mobility? Channel Insider sat down with mobile market guru and senior vice president at top-tier analyst firm Yankee Group, Gene Signorini, to get his take on the changing mobile landscape. The result is the top nine enterprise mobility trends to watch and weave into your go-to-market strategy and future outlook. Take a look.

Trend #1 The Consumerization of IT

Times sure have changed. Instead of dictating (and demanding) which devices employees can use, enterprises are looking to their employees for these tough decisions.

“Employees are having a significant impact on decisions around mobile technologies,” says Signorini. Why? Smart phones are now mainstream, and everybody is buying their own. Supporting an employee’s chosen device means major costs cuts for enterprise purchasing, and increased productivity—and profitability—through the always-on and always-reachable employee.

Trend #2 Smart Phone Diversity and Popularity

Signorini says enterprises are being forced consider alternative operating systems with smart phone adoption at the highest it has ever been.

“The expansion number of smart phones in the enterprise and the diversity of operating systems in the enterprise means we’ve transitioned to an eclectic mix,” said SIgnorini.

A mix of what, you may ask? From the newly unveiled BlackBerry Torch and the Droid X to the forthcoming and much buzzed about Windows Phone Series 7, individual choice, need and form factor are driving demand. That means enterprises have little choice but to offer multiple device support if they want to extend productivity and collaboration to the mobile channel.

Trend #3 Is Android an enterprise game changer?

Google’s been lagging in enterprise fans, from the direct-IT buyer to resellers and enterprise application providers currently delaying Android support into 2011. Regardless, Signorini says Android is making its way into the enterprise, sooner rather than later.

“I think the Android influx will start heavily within the next 6 months,” says Signorini. “It is unavoidable.”

Signorini says the consumerization of IT makes Android in the enterprise a must.

“Enterprises are accepting lesser security requirements,” says Signorini. “Diversity of operating systems, that’s a reality. Individuals want these devices. Now, it’s up to the enterprise to minimize the risk and take advantage of new technologies.”

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